
Othello's "honest" ensign, who sows the seeds of jealousy in his general that lead to the downfall of Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo and Emilia.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

I Will Have my Revenge

Othello you have done me wrong,"Preferment goes by letter and affection, not by the old gradation,where each second stood heir to the first. Now sir, be judge yourself whether I in any just term am affin'd to love the Moor" How dare you not go with the order which is accustomed to the military. You have done me wrong, now I will do wrong to you but "too early seen unknown, and known too late!"  Chaos will ensue.

Iago to Roderigo
Act 1 i. 36-40
Literary Devices:
Cause-and-effect analysis: Iago is telling why he appears to love the Moor and what can come if he does. We as the readers are able to understand how Iago feels and why he wants chaos.
Ethos: Iago is building his character by saying he is bound to love the Moor. We as the reader are able to understand Iago's character as jealous and not as honest as his name makes hi to be.

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